Browse Articles By Tag: mba distance learning
Masters in Business Administration degree offered by PTU, MDU and KSOU in Delhi have aptly designed courses which fulfill the requirement of the market and the comfort level of the individual.
13.01.2012 · From edudivya
MBA in Delhi NCR region is no more a distant dream for students of Part time MBA in Delhi. PTU University is providing full facilities to all who wish to do executive MBA through its innumerable study centers spread all over the National Capital.
16.12.2011 · From edudivya
Many people, who have started working in some organization etc. after completing their studies in BBA, wish to gain more technical knowledge after facing a challenging situation at their place of work. Part time Mba in Delhi can be pursued for getting strong functional knowledge in business.
16.11.2011 · From edudivya
Distance learning MBA is a two years course, but in these two years a person becomes fully acquainted with all aspects of marketing. People who are working in and around Delhi find it very helpful to further their knowledge and get good placement in the very place they are working in.
09.11.2011 · From edudivya
Distance learning offers more opportunities to a person in today’s everyday busy schedule. With changes occurring at every strata of one’s social life, a person needs to earn more and more to live a c...
01.01.1970 · From edudivya